Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Marks' Post

I think Marks has an interesting point of view when it comes to single-channel experimental films fighting to stay "alive" between the decline of festivals and the lack of galleries wanting to show them. However, it's very difficult for me to fully agree or disagree with all of her statements...

Why does this all revolve around money? She seemingly does not care about it, but at the same time she bases success as an artist all on funding and pay. I mean, I will admit I have fallen into the same trap of believing money = success, but I am starting to believe that sometimes using free social media sites can lead to success and THEN to money, rather than the other way around as she believes (Such as YouTube channels who make a ton of money currently, but only because they went "viral." Now given, these are internet phenomenon rather than film and video, but she mentioned YouTube and Vimeo, so I figure my comment is not said entirely on a tangent).

One point that I was very intrigued about was her discussion on films/videos that last for an incredibly lengthy amount of time. I appreciate her snarky-ness when she counters Morgan's opinion with "I question whether a distracted culture needs distracted art experiences in the first place."
That is one thing that is very accurate when it comes to our culture in my opinion: our lack of focus, our short attention spans, etc. Just an unfinished thought.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Render Farm Info

Hey everyone.

Ok, so Gabriel has sent some information about using the render farm. There may have been updates to things that might complicate this, but he's going to come to the Expanded Cinema class Tomorrow (tuesday) to give a quick demonstration for anyone who needs to use it. So if you're not in that class, maybe see if you can drop by or get someone to take notes for you.

Here's a link to the info Gabriel sent: http://www.thinkboxsoftware.com/deadline-5-maya/#Job_Submission