Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cracked Ray Tube workshop at Oil and Cotton via Dallas Medianale

Hey guys. I want you to have first dibs on these, but they're open to the public.

In January, the Dallas Medianale (an extension of videofest i'm working on) will host DIY video synth building workshops led by the members of Cracked Ray Tube. Check it out:

If you want to see a bit more of what this stuff does, see here:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Poetry holds the place Conceptual Art used to...Kenneth Goldsmith

I wrote down a lot of quotes made by Kenneth Goldsmith in the podcast and even some articles about him that I researched. Intriguing concepts that plagiarism is now the the New Aesthetic... 'all stolen", creativity is debunked in Goldsmith's classes--No "creative" writing allowed. By being forced to use other's work and change the context by its new placement within a document is actually how true creativeness happens ( harder than it sounds, I am sure. )
A Conceptual Art mantra?

* " a movement of observation"
* "the Lifestream is on 24/7 "
* " the warmth of a seat that has been left"  Duchamp.
* "pointing not making"
* '"a state between states"

I feel I should have stolen these boldly instead of using quotation marks. Next my art...where it counts.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


George Takei will be speaking in the Coliseum at UNT on Oct 27 at 8pm. 

Tickets for students is $5
Faculty and Staff is $10
Public Guests are $15

This is on a Monday which is why I am posting it for Advanced. If you want to see George Takei live and in person speaking as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series program then don't miss out. The Distinguished Lecture Series program introduces the UNT community to the excellence of world-class speakers whose messages enhance student learning outside the classroom.

It may not be art related but maybe we can get a little insight on how some of Star Trek was filmed. Who knows what he'll talk about but I surely want to go!