Sunday, December 7, 2014


Alejandro Rodriguez
Smoozing Project

            So for my smoozing project I went to the small art talk for the Fort Worth based new media artist Christopher Blay. The lecture itself was very informal, Blay wanted it to be very lax and not too up tight, from my time with him that just seemed to be that type of guy he is. After the lecture, I was able to talk to for a little bit. I told him that I too was a new media artist, though I didn’t have anyway to show him my work, though he didn’t take any offence to it. We talked a little a bit about our work, but the real meat of our conversation was when he stated telling me about the art community in Fort Worth. He said he so much more prefer the art community of Fort Worth, as oppose the community in New York, was because the artist in Fort Worth had a more tight and diverse network with one another. Its one of those situations where everyone knows everyone and that there’s a friendlier bond amongst them that doesn’t have a harsh competitive nature to it. This is where Blay said, for him, it was more important to have a friendly network of artist like this than one where you so happen to have the card of another artist you met once. He said that his style of community prosper more creativity for not only his art, but for his peers too. With this I agreed with, mainly because I seem to operate in the same way, I have a tight clique of friends and artist whom all know each other, and actually care about one another.   

Friday, December 5, 2014

Scmoozing? is this the class? oh god.... where am I?

A Far Thing Coming Closer @ Centraltrak


Dallas used to intimidate me when I was younger, I am a more hardened animal now, and Dallas can’t scare me. I know the rules; if you don’t muscle into the lane you need, you’re going to miss your exit, don’t park in sketchy places unless you have made peace with the possibility that someone may break your window to carve the AM/FM cassette out of your dash (with what you can only assume was a butter knife), and when a spun man on crutches offers you a dollar at a red light, for god’s sake, don’t take it.

                While the city of Dallas itself does not intimidate me, the people there do. It’s a funny feeling to stand in a room full of strangers, it feels like falling. Pippins and I had an assignment though: SCHMOOZE, talk to people and forge the connections necessary for success. I liked all the films. It’s was kind of schizophrenic to change gears so quick from one to the next, how much can a person really retain viewing film in this situation? I was thinking a lot about how terrible it would be if I was sitting up in those seats, getting the questions… I’m never going to be able to handle that. We went outside to smoke, met some ladies whose names I cannot remember. Pippins got mad that I told them we were students. She thinks that if they know we are just undergrads, they won’t take anything we say seriously. I think she was being influenced by our experience the last time we came to Centraltrak, things were way less relaxed and we sat at the bar for a good 2 hours, too scared to pee while we got talked at and I got lectured about being too dependent on new technology.

We met an artist with a BA named john, he lives in Dallas and goes to all the gallery shows he can. He works as an office assistant, but by night he is a film maker. He is coming to the Black Lodge I hope, I wrote the date and time down for him on a piece of paper which, hilariously enough, had my process notes about making contact prints with film on the back.

In summation, Pippins and I saw some Cinema, then we saw a Q&A session which led me to quite egocentrically question my own integrity, we observed a peaceful and happy group dynamic amongst artists, and we met a cool guy named John.



Interesting use of the word ‘enemy’ here…