Saturday, September 6, 2014

SIGGRAPH 2013 XYZN Scale Podcast - Whitney Ratliff

The SIGGRAPH 2013 podcast for the XYZN Scale Exhibition explained by Victoria Szabo was inspired by a William Blake poem presented on one wall of the sphere of the gallery space. This unique gallery space presents various artworks using emerging digital technologies and providing a sense of how these technologies provide a much broader, expansive means for the elements of art and reevaluating the essence of traditional means of artwork within a much digital world.

Although it was difficult to retain all this information from a hearing aspect, a more visual aspect of the podcast might provide an easier means of understanding the element of "visual information" presented in the cast. It did sound like an interesting gallery space allowing viewers and the artist to reestablish the analog aesthetic within a digital form, using traditional forms, rediscovering the past and presenting them within a present digitalization of what media art can accomplish. This interest group overall sounds like a very fascinating and well-needed group within the art world as they appreciate and provide all forms of artwork but present them within a much more modern take.

One take on this is the right-brain/left-brain where the artist inspire the scientist and the scientist inspire the artist allowing both artistic aesthetics and technological aspects together to provide a combined form of artwork. One point was made by Jackie Morie to have an open-mind and basically walk in another person's shoes and try to see it from their point of view, which is a great ideal and a huge factor of my own perspective of life. We need to learn that we are all individuals able to think and feel on our own and that in the end, agree to disagree when it comes to matter of differences. We need to become sponges of information and seek a perspective bent on wanting to learn more, like the great philosophers of Greece who, although were quite religious still were open-minded and willing to talk about matters such as religion and politics and not only question the aspects of another person or group but also see it respectively and at least try to understand the other side without dispute or conflict.

If ya want to take a test to see which hemisphere you dominate more with, take one here: Right or Left Brain Quiz

My Result:

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